
- monessa mukana -

Tarinataituri in English


My name is Timo Aunio, alias Tarinataituri. I am at your service, if you need a guide in Sammatti or Tytyri Mine Experience in Lohja. I have a Master's degree in Education, and I've worked as a classroom teacher over 35 years. Writing has been my hobby since childhood, and have written many kinds of texts. I still write daily. You can read my blogs here: tarinataituri.blogspot.com (only in Finnish). 

A few years ago I completed the course of Authorised Tourist Guide in Lohja. My favourite targets in Lohja are Tytyri Mine Experience, the medieval Church of St Lawrence and above all Sammatti, the little village where Elias Lönnrot was born, lived and died. There are lots of  interesting places to visit in Lohja.

You can join Tarinataituri in Sammatti and learn more about Elias Lönnrot, the famous Finnish doctor, botanist and writer, who compiled the Finnish national epic Kalevala. We can visit the little Paikkari Croft, where Elias Lönnrot was born, the Lammi House, where he lived his last years and finally Sammatti Church and cemetery, where Lönnrot is buried.

Warmly welcome to Lohja and Sammatti!